Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge
Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa

Renew yourself at Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge in Sabi Sabi Game Reserve with its unusual and inspiring underground earth sculpture.

Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge Safari Experience

  • Situated on the banks of Sabi River in the Sabi Sabi Game Reserve
  • Luxury suites, being virtually invisible, sculped into the earth
  • Offering a sense of peace and privacy cocooned in luxury
  • A haven to relax, rest and revitalise

Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge offers a unique surrounding to get close to nature. The suites are an intimate setting in the heart of the African bush, as the lodge is sculped into the earth. Merging so well into the landscape, your accommodation at Sabi Sabi Reserve is virtually invisible.

At this lodge, which is a unique and unforgettable experience, a sense of peace and privacy consumes the guest. The exclusive and luxury accommodation at Earth Lodge is at one with the nature and reflects the spirit of the African Renaissance. Being a haven to relax, rest and revitalise, guests have the sensory experience of a lifetime.

The Amani Spa at Earth Lodge awaits you relaxing in the African bush, rejuvenating mind, body and soul as well as connecting with nature. Treatments are conducted by internationally qualified full time therapists, who perform a wide range of treatments. A spa attendant is available should the guest have any requirements.

Booking Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge

Sabi Sabi Reserve - South African Safari
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