The Experience at Sabi Sabi Bush Lodge

When guests can be persuaded to leave the luxury of their suites, they can venture outside the Lodge to experience big game country.

In this luxury Sabi Sabi Bush Lodge, a variety of activities will keep you occupied. Ranging from guided game drives in open safari vehicles to exclusive shopping in the curio shop or extensive relaxation in the Amani Spa at Bush Lodge, there is always something to do.

Exciting tales from the bush told by your local safari guides are shared over a boma dinner under the most incredible African night sky. Here, the sightings of the day can be discussed and new friends can be made.

Amani Spa at Bush Lodge

After a long day tracking animals, the Amani Spa at Bush Lodge offers a variety of treatments to help you wind down. Local natural ingredients combined with Phytomer products create unique and exquisite African therapies. The Amani Spa specialises in hydrotherapy and phytotherapy. All treatments are delivered by highly trained and qualified therapists.

EleFun Centre for Kids on Safari

The EleFun Cetre has been designed to entertain children between the ages of 4 and 12 years. With activities designed for two different age groups, Junior Tracker programme being for ages 4 to 8 years and the Junior Ranger programme being for ages 9 to 12 years.

Activities Include

Junior Trackers (Age 4 - 8) Adventures with Nature - children will go on exciting adventure walks with an experienced range into the bush or around the lodge and teach them about animals, bugs and birds that live in the reserve.

Junior Rangers (Age 9 - 12) A experienced ranger will take the children on outdoor adeventure such as bush walks, tracking, map reading, bird identification and many other bush related subjects.

Later in the afternoon there will be a hobbies and crafts session where kids can get messy and work on hands-on projects related to nature.

Around 14:30 in the afternoon the EleFun Centre hosts a game time where the staff play educational games with all the children.

Booking Sabi Sabi Bush Lodge

Sabi Sabi Reserve - South African Safari
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